About a month ago, I was asked whether it bothered me when people in the city complained about snow, given that I now live in Northern Ontario.
At the time, I gave a sort of non-answer. I don’t even remember clearly what I said, other than no, it doesn’t bother me, but I remember feeling unprepared for the question. The reason for that is because a fresh snowfall was one of Toby’s favourite things.
During his last weeks of life, we were fortunate to have a snowfall in time for Christmas. And a few weeks before that, there was just enough snow to be able to pull him around our Brampton neighborhood on a sled.
So, no: Snowfalls are a source of joy for me, as I hope they are to everyone else who has the fortune to experience one.
Here are some photos of the last snowfall Toby got to see in December 2020.