• RT @DesignerDepot: Zag Font – Free Download – Ideal for Logo & Graphic Design: http://tinyurl.com/mlo44r #
  • #lastfm #love Thriller by Michael Jackson http://bit.ly/RkNne #
  • Yard looks good, but my back HURTS!! #
  • to bed too late = sleep in = no church. 🙁 #
  • nuts. My internet is out! #
  • disappointed with rogers. No internet fix until tuesday! Txt me until then. #
  • Internet miraculously came back up! Don't trust it… #
  • Bottle Opening Fail http://bit.ly/DnCK9 #
  • being Mr. Mom is pretty good so far! #
  • recuperating from a rough night. #
  • Happy Canada Day! #
  • Pinch, punch, first day of the month! (http://ping.fm/fmtLr) #
  • praying for a better tonight than last night. #
  • okay… kids are sleeping, I think I'll do the same. G'night! #
  • Got some sleep. It was awesome. #
  • riding the LINK train at pearson airport. Cheap entertainment! #
  • 10 o'clock, and all the kids are in bed. BOOYA. #
  • Whoa… RT @aplusk: this is the coolest mf ever. How do come this close to getting hit and be that chill http://bit.ly/YBtTg #
  • is going to grow a beard, because I can. #
  • #followfriday @michaelbanovsky @pixelflex @Markzware #