- is watching Mr. T trying to sell a FlavorWave Turbo. #
- #lastfm #love Man in the Box by Alice in Chains http://bit.ly/gcnR #
- has set the clocks ahead an hour and now feels a bit displaced. #daylightsavingstimewilleventuallydestroyus #
- has his papers organized for his income taxes. Do I know how to rock a Saturday night or what? Yeah… #
- #lastfm #love Walk This Land by E-Z Rollers http://bit.ly/5VCqf #
- …oh goody, health expenses. My goodness that’s a lot of paper… #taxes2008 #
- 12seconds – Why I’m not going to see Watchmen anytime soon… http://tiny12.tv/PED6G #
- :: Time for bed, good night! #
- RT @thehypercube It would be amazing if we could hit 300 followers by Monday… any ideas? #
- 12seconds – wishing Sebastian a happy birthday! http://tiny12.tv/UTQXK #
- :: oops, it’s already 12! Or is it? #DST #
- is going to finish his coffee, and then it’s off to the Home Depot! The toilet is acting up… #
- 12seconds – is hard at work… http://tiny12.tv/SCF3T #
- finished filing his taxes. Now the wait for the refund… #taxes2008 #
- got word that the Echo is ready for pickup. Woo hoo! #
- RT @DesignerDepot: 5 Simple Ways to Improve Web Typography: tinyurl.com/brxby… Pls RT. Thanks! #
- Got his (echo?) back. – Listen here http://ping.fm/REJys #
- (?). – Listen here http://ping.fm/pI6FA #
- is glad to have the Echo back. #
- …10 minute countdown… #Heroes #
- is tweetling his thumbs. #
- is going under the knife tomorrow. Hernia Schmernia! #
- Canadian photography laws:http://snurl.com/djvv9 #
- #lastfm #love Hundred Mile High City by Ocean Colour Scene http://bit.ly/1RsAw #
- My sister-in-law is sick, so her fiancé brought home McDonalds. Now they can throw up together! #
- #lastfm #love Where We Are (Feat. Rob Dickinson) by Neverending White Lights http://bit.ly/5JgNk #
- is now located in: near Brampton, Ontario, Canada #
- has been in bed recovering all day! OUUUUUUCHY! #
- is going back to bed, not quite recovered yet! #
- is still in pain. No work today. No no no… #
- is gonna get himself a T3, and then try going downstairs for a liquid lunch. #
- had a “quick” walk upstairs using crouches. Slow going. #
- has had enough excitement for now. Time to lay down. #
- got out of bed pain-free. Woo hoo! #
- is really excited that I got out of bed today. Look forward to taking a slow, short walk tomorrow to the park. #
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