- Strange trip to Toronto-town. Saw a jumper on the Gardner, and a Peel ambulance right in downtown T.O. Weird! #
- Time for Quantum of Solice! #
- RT @thaPHLASH: Saturday #followfriday #
- phone test. #
- RT @audiophilia: @the_gman: 10 Phrases Every Freelancer Should Kick-Out of their Vocabulary http://bit.ly/YcZQh #
- Taking a road trip to my brothers birthday party. #
- Take us home, Toby! http://twitpic.com/42zmw #
- Experimenting with VirtualBox. Very exciting! http://ping.fm/mPG1K #
- No can do? What’s that? Some place near Katmandu? #
- This one’s for you, Pontiac. ♫ http://blip.fm/~52di3 #
- I love anything by Chicane. RT @rccgd Something mellow. Beautiful day. ♫ http://blip.fm/~52xxx #
- on my way home! #
- is counting down to HEEEERRROOOOOOEESS!!! #
- More swine cases? We’re gonna need more skewers… #
- Another rainy day, another soaking wet towel in the trunk of my car. #
- “War Pigs”. ‘Nuff said? ♫ http://blip.fm/~54puc #
- A swine that makes me feel sick: http://ping.fm/wflGY #
- Just figured out how to do a RT using TwitterGadget. Where is the documentation? #
- ptmagj #
- My battle cry against swine flu: http://ping.fm/a8b7o #
- RT @dannynic: liked the swineflu cartoon in todays telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/matt/ #
- RT @TeeMonster: @Cmaaarrr: @bjmclaughlin The CDC has tracked down Patient 0 for swine flu pandemic: http://imgur.com/27K39.jpg #
- Everybody back! I’ve just caught @AFluenza! #
- RT @cp24news: BREAKING News Ontario confirms its first cases of swine flu in the province with four mild cases, all in the Toronto area. #
- And it begins… RT @cp24news: BREAKING NEWS: Four cases of swine flu confirmed in the GTA. http://tr.im/jVzq #
- Good night everyone! #
- Good morning! How is everyone? #
- watching “The Day The Earth Stood Still” tonight! #
- verdict for “The Day The Earth Stood Still” …meh… #
- G’night! #
- FINALLY have my printer ink order. Nuts to you, Canpar! #
- is watching Supernatural!! #
- We’re off! #
- Pinch, punch, first day of the month! #
- RT #followfriday @michaelbanovsky: Michael’s made-up jokes cont’d: What do you call horses in stables next to one another? “Neigh”-bours… #
- digging into the PHP on this awesomely sunny Friday. #
- …Oops. #fumblefriday #
- Seems like a good driving song for this beautiful weather. ♫ http://blip.fm/~5d0a4 #
- is now located in: near Brampton, Ontario, Canada #
- We have a jumper on the qew. Glad we took the train! #
- Oops. Gardner, not qew. #
- Here we are toronto-town! #
- Whats a peel ambulance doing downtown t.o.? #
- Awake. #
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